We Will Remember 2016

remember logoWe Will Remember marked the start of Tamworth Arts In Unusual Spaces a 2 year project filled with different arts performances and activities.

On Saturday 12th November Local groups came together to mark the centenary of World War I in the beautiful venue of St Editha's Church.

The evening began with representatives from local organisations bringing in their standards to the sound of William MacGregor School choir, followed by a great variety of performances from local groups tied together by guest compere Mal Dewhirst.


To find out more about the We Will Remember event take a look at this short video documentary:  

The concert included an original score War Child composed by Sophy Smith and conducted by Dan Watson that was premiered at the event. The score was sung by a choir made up of local groups; Tamworth Arts Club, Tamworth Voices, Tamworth Ladies Choir, Tamworth Male Voice Choir, Flax Hill Junior School.

Watch the video to hear the score being sung on the night:


Autumn 2016